Orsett Edward Bear Toddler Group is for babies and pre-school children and their parents or carers. We meet every Friday, during term time, from 9.30am – 11am at Orsett Churches Centre, High Road, Orsett. There is no charge for each session and no need to book just come along on Friday morning.
When we meet, we have free play, singing, and stories and craft activities. Our time together is about friendship and support – for the children as well as the carers, whether that’s mums, dads or grandparents.
Orsett Edward Bear Toddler Group is one of the Mothers’ Union outreach projects.
Edward Bear has his own Facebook page and likes to share adventures and news with his friends. You can find him here.
For more information, please contact: Sandra Billinger on 01375 891040 or message Edward Bear on Facebook.