Alpha is one of the most popular and widely recognised introductions to the Christian faith in the world.
It is a ten week course, and each week will include:
- Coffee and cake;
- A short video presentation focussing on a particular question;
- An opportunity for people to discuss what they think in an open, no-pressure environment.
Alpha is designed for people who wouldn’t necessarily call themselves Christians or have any previous experience of Christianity. But it’s also great for people who want the chance to explore what they believe in more depth or have questions they would like to discuss with others. This course is open to adults of any age (there is also a Youth Alpha, which we might run at another time).

There is no commitment required, no booking necessary, and no charge. Each session is self-contained so although it’s best to come each week it doesn’t matter if you start later or have to miss a few.

You can find out more at